LPS: Lean Healthcare                                                                                                                                                                            

The application of Lean Healthcare provides a systematic methodology for implementing rapid change to eliminate waste and enhancement of the business value. Our Professional Consultant are well trained in transforming health care organizations to lean thinking, well disciplined, team and results oriented environments. We focus on creating understand of which activities truly create value and identifying and elimination wasteful practices that impedes maximizing profit, increasing patient satisfaction & Improving market share. With the extensive history of hands on application of lean manufacturing, logistics and service parts in firms all over the world, our consultants have an impressive track record of significantly improving performance in a cross section of manufacturing, service, engineering and logistics firms. Our consultants quickly determine and resolve process constraints that immediately improves our clients' bottom line. More importantly, it transforms their workforce by creating a culture of waste identification, elimination and continuous improvement. This process has proven to be successful by enhancing the value of our customers' firms in both the short and long term.

LPS Consulting & Concordant CHS                                                                                                                                            

LPS Consulting & Concordant CHS (www.concordanthealth.com) formed a strategic alliance to provide statistically based lean strategies and application based tools to achieve Benchmarked Healthcare Results.


Our energetic and skilled consultants are experts in application of lean principles rooted in benchmark businesses. Over 150 LPS Consulting Projects resulted in the following average performance:

  • Cost Reduced By 40%
  • Productivity Up By 33%
  • Quality Improved By 34%
  • Inventory Reduced By 32%
  • Lead Time Reduced By 40%
  • Throughput Improved By 25%
Results assured !